Fashionista Pathway Flair
Fashionista Pathway Flair
Brief: Create a luxurious fashion space for while responding to specific luxury labels. The project will take place at Kingsgate Shopping Centre. Use REVIT to create 3D models and immerse yourself in the space using VR. Manipulate space and form by borrowing techniques from fashion design to craft a series of luxurious stands.
Location: The location for the fashion stand and showcase is Kingsgate shopping centre, based in Huddersfield Town centre. My stand is located in the main pathway corridor and will be very visible to customers and in closer proximity than the stands in the more open space. This makes a perfect spot for a pop-up stand as it will draw more attention from passers-by and show off the collection. With other clothing stores outside, my location should be perfect for the clothing collection I have chose as there will already be the right target audience.
The concept of my pop-up stemmed from the Georgio Armani Spring Summer collection which was highlighting the fluidity of water. Collating existing images all together as a board helps me identify key words and highlight which aspects I would like to carry through to inform my design.
Initial sketches exploring the collections concept ‘the fluidity of water’ and interpreting it in the form of a pop-up stand. I focused on the idea of organic, soft shapes with the same pastel colour palette.
Partner Showcase:
Revit Partner Showcase and Pop-up Stand: Using Revit for this project allowed me to experiment with the shaping of the pop-up and achieve a more precise and neater outcome, specifically on the roof design, with the placement of multiple metal rods. I carried through the pastel colours of the collection and included a vest amount of metal materiality to link with concept of water and reflection. The fashion showcase is a combination of my collection with my partners Coco Chanel collection, mainly inspiring from their logo.
My pop-up stand: